Command files are simple text files with a sequential list of commands for DVD Profiler to perform tasks such as backing up your database.

Command files may be executed via either the File->Run Command File... command or by using the startup parameter "/CommandFile".

Command files can be created in any text editor, such as Notepad. Enter one command per line and DVD Profiler will execute each in turn when the command file is run. The following is a list of recognized commands, with associated parameters:

MenuCommand [Command] Executes the main menu command designated by [Command]. Example: MenuCommand "Help\About DVD Profiler"
OpenDatabase [Database Name] Opens the selected database by name. Example: OpenDatabase Default
Close Closes DVD Profiler.
DVDProfilerOnlineSync [Upload, Download] Will upload the loaded collection to DVD Profiler Online, or download the current online collection, overwriting the local collection.
DVDProfilerMobileSync Synchronizes the loaded collection with DVD Profiler Mobile.
ShowWelcome Shows the Welcome Page.
CollectionType [Owned, Ordered, WishList] Selects the designated collection type.
CollectionView [List, Details, Thumbnails] Selects the designated collection view.
SelectProfile [UPC] Selects the designated profile by UPC.
FlagCurrent Flags the currently selected profile.
UnflagCurrent Unflags the currently selected profile.
Flag [UPC] Flags a profile by UPC.
Unflag [UPC] Unflags a profile by UPC.
FlagAll Flags all filtered profiles.
UnflagAll Unflags all profiles.
UnflagFiltered Unflags all filtered profiles.
LoadFlagSet [FileName] Opens the designated flag set file by file name.
LoadLayout [FileName] Loads the designated layout by file name.
LoadFilterSet Loads the designated filter set by file name.
ClearAllFilters Clears all filters.
BackupAll [FileName] [NoProfiles, NoCoverScans, NoUserDB, NoTagsDB, NoCastCrewDB] [NoCustomCreditPhotos] [NoGalleryPhotos] [NoReportsLayoutsTranslations] [NoFilterFlagSets] [NoPluginData] [RenameExisting] Performs a database backup to the selected file name. If RenameExisting is specified, the existing file will be renamed, else it will be overwritted. NoProfiles, NoCoverScans, etc allow backups excluding the specified data.
BackupFlagged Uses the same parameters as BackupAll, but backs up only the flagged profiles.
ExportXMLAll [FileName] [NoCast, NoCrew, NoEasterEggs, NoLocks, NoNotes, NoOverview, NoTags] Exports the loaded collection to the selected XML file name. Specify NoCast, NoCrew, etc to exclude the specified data.
ExportXMLFiltered Uses the same parameters as ExportXMLAll, but exports only the filtered profiles.
ExportXMLFlagged Uses the same parameters as ExportXMLAll, but exports only the flagged profiles.
Stop Stops processing the command file.

See Also
Startup Parameters

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