DVD Profiler Layouts can contain HTML Sections, which in turn support an array of DVD Profiler-specific tags.  Each tag takes the form <DP NAME="XXX" AAA="YYY"> where XXX is a supported DVD Profiler element name, AAA is an attribute name, and YYY is the value assigned to the attribute.  Depending on the element type, there may be more than one possible attribute.  Elements can contain as many attributes as necessary. The following is a listing of valid DP HTML tags, with applicable attributes:

Element Description
Attribute Description
16X9 Displays when the selected DVD is enhanced for 16x9 televisions, also known as anamorphic.
TEXT Text to display when the DVD is anamorphic.
ACTORS Displays one or more actors (optionally including roles).
MAXLIST Determines the maximum number of actors to display.
DIVIDER Text to display between each actor. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
SHOWROLES Set to "YES" to display roles allong with the actor names.
ROLEDIVIDER Text to display between actor and role.  Default is ' as '.
AUDIOTRACKS Displays the audio track information for the current DVD.
DIVIDER Text to display between each audio track. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
BOXSETCONTENTS Displays a list of the Titles and UPCs for members of the displayed box set.
DIVIDER Text to display between each box set entry. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
SHOWUPCS Set to "YES" to display UPCs with the titles. Note: if the title is not found in your collection, the UPC will be displayed regardless of this setting.
CASETYPE Displays the case type (i.e. Keep Case) of the current DVD.
COLLNUM Displays the collection number for the current DVD.
DIRECTORS Displays one or more director for the current DVD.
MAXLIST Determines the maximum number of directors to display.
DIVIDER Text to display between each director. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
EASTEREGGS Displays the easter eggs (if any) for the current DVD.
FEATURES Displays a list of selected features for the DVD.
DIVIDER Text to display between each feature. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
GENRES Displays a list of genres for the DVD.
DIVIDER Text to display between each feature. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
IMAGE Inserts an IMG tag pointing to the images for the current DVD.
WIDTH The value of this attribute will be placed in the WIDTH attribte of the genreated IMG tag.
FACE Either "FRONT" or "BACK". Determines the image to show
LAYERS Displays text based on whether the current DVD is dual layered.
DUAL Text to display if the DVD is dual layered.
SINGLE Text to display if the DVD is single layered.
LOANDUE Displays the date the current DVD is due, if it is currently loaned.
IFOVERDUE Text or HTML to display if the DVD is overdue.
LOANEDTO Displays the person the current DVD is loaned to.
IFLOANED Text or HTML to display if the DVD is loaned.
IFNOTLOANED Text or HTML to display if the DVD is not loaned.
LOCALITY Displays the name of the locality for the current DVD.
NOTES Displays entered notes for the current DVD.
OTHERFEATURES Displays the text entered as "Other" features.
OVERVIEW Displays the overview for the current DVD.
OWNERSHIP Displays text based on the ownership status of the current DVD.
IFOWNED Text or HTML to display if the DVD is in your Owned collection.
IFORDERED Text or HTML to display if the DVD is in your Ordered collection.
IFWISHLIST Text or HTML to display if the DVD is in your Wish List.
PRODYEAR Displays the film production year for the current DVD.
BLANK Text or HTML to display if there is no production year entered.
PURCHDATE Displays the purchase date for the current DVD.
PREFIX Text or HTML to display before the purchase date, if one is entered.
PURCHPLACE Displays the purchase place for the current DVD.
PREFIX Text or HTML to display before the purchase place, if one is entered.
PURCHPRICE Displays the purchase price for the current DVD.
PREFIX Text or HTML to display before the purchase price, if one is entered.
RATING Displays the film rating for the current DVD.
REGION (Depreciated, replaced with REGIONS) Displays one selected region for the current DVD.
REGIONS Displays the selected regions for the current DVD.
PREFIX Text or HTML to display before the regions.
NOREGION Text or HTML to display if there is no region coding.
RELDATE Displays the release date for the current DVD.
BLANK Text or HTML to display if there is no release date entered.
YEARONLY Set to "YES" to display the year only. Otherwise, displays the full date.
YEARDIGITS Set to "2" or "4" to display the year in 2- or 4-digit format.
REVIEW Inserts a table which displays the review with colored bars, in the user's selected format.
WIDTH Width of the generated table. (Inserted into the table element as WIDTH)
HEIGHT Height of the generated table. (Inserted into the table element as HEIGHT)
BGCOLOR Background color of the generated table. (Inserted into the table element as BGCOLOR)
RUNTIME Run time of the current DVD.
HOURSONLY Displays the hour part of the run time only. Usually used with MINSONLY to split the run time for display.
MINSONLY Displays the minute part of the run time only. Usually used with HOURSONLY to split the run time for display.
TOTALINMINS Displays the total run time in minutes, as opposed to hours and minutes. Example: 1:42 would be displayed as 102.
SIDES Displayes text depending on whether the DVD is dual-sided.
DUAL Text or HTML to display if the DVD is dual-sided.
SINGLE Text or HTML to display if the DVD is single-sided.
FLIPPER Text or HTML to display if the DVD is a flipper.  A flipper is a DVD which splits the main feature across both sides of the disc, forcing users to flip the disc to see the entire feature.  DVDs which have additional content or feature versions on separate sides are not flippers.
SORTTITLE Displayes the sort title for the selected DVD.
SRP Displays the Suggested Retail Price for the current DVD.
STUDIOS Displays the studios for the current DVD.
DIVIDER Text to display between each studio. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
SUBTITLES Displays the subtitles for the current DVD.
DIVIDER Text to display between each studio. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
TITLE Title of the current DVD.
UPC UPC of the current DVD.
FORMATTED Set to "YES" to format the UPC. Otherwise, displays the raw UPC, which may contain additional characters.
VIDFORMATS Video formats for the current DVD.
MAXLIST Number of video formats to display.
DIVIDER Text to display between each format. Use BREAK to insert a <BR> tag.
RATIOS Set to "YES" to display the ratios next to each format.

See Also
DVD Profiler Layouts | Selecting a Layout | Downloading Layouts | Editing/Creating New Layouts 

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