Adding DVDs by UPC |
Select DVD->Add to Collection (), then select the Add
By UPC tab to add DVDs to your collection by UPC. If you're
adding to your Owned collection, the Add By UPC tab will already be
To add to your owned, ordered, or wish list, ensure that list is selected before selecting this option.
UPCs (Universal Product Codes) are the best way to add DVDs you already own to your collection. With the DVD in hand, enter the UPC code into the UPC: entry. Be sure to enter the entire UPC. Generally, region 1 DVD UPCs will be 12 digits, and other regions will be 13 digits. If the DVD does not have a UPC, you should add it by Disc ID
Once you've entered the UPC, if the title is part of DVD
Profiler's online database, the DVD Title will be displayed.
If the title is not known, you'll instead see "(unknown) ". You can still add DVDs, even if they're
not yet part of the online database.
If there are multiple matching profiles, DVD Profiler will display a list of all matches. Select the most appropriate match.
Before you add the DVD, you may choose to preview the profile first. Select Preview, and DVD Profiler will download and display the profile and cover images (if available).
Select "Add DVD" to add the DVD to your collection. If the title is not known, you'll next see the Validate UPC Entry dialog box. Reenter the UPC, enter the title, and select a region and locality.
If "Prompt for personalization" is selected, you'll next see the Personalize DVD dialog box.
DVD Profiler will add this title to your Pending Additions list on the right. When you're finished adding titles, select "Add Now" to have DVD Profiler add the pending additions to your collection.
See Also
Adding DVDs | Contribution Guidelines | DVD Menu
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