Editing DVD Profiles |
DVD Profiler's database is built entirely through the efforts of our users from around the world. If you spot an error or missing data on an existing profile, you can make the change and (optionally) contribute it to DVD Profiler's online database.
Before you make changes to a profile, you should make sure you
have the latest profile from our database. To do this,select
Online->Refresh DVD fromIVS->Refresh Profile and Images
To edit a DVD profile, select DVD->Edit (). DVD
Profiler will open the Edit Profile interface. From there,
you can edit all areas of the profile, including personal
information and cover images.
When you've completed your edits, select "OK". If you'd like to cancel your edit, select "Cancel" and your changes will not be saved.
If you intend to contribue your changes to the online database, please see the Contribution Guidelines section.
For changes to personal profile information such as purchase place, price or date, or collection number, see Personalizing Profiles.
See Also
Adding DVDs | DVD Menu | Online
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