Features: i find nothing on the DVD that qualifies as Production Notes (the extras consist of a Trailer): removed Audio: re-ordered to match DVD and the 1st track is Pro Logic (Surround) per my receiver Overview: hyphens to en dashes as seen on the jacket Crew: from DVD credits 1) De Laurentis gets a "presents" card ahead of the title at the start but has no explicit producing (exec. or otherwise) credit (though his company is appropriately credited for production): removed Cast: from DVD credits 1) Kovacs As Credited and most common per CLT if all Dead Zones fixed 2) Udy role corrected to match credits 3) Carlson [slightly] more commonly credited as Leslie in CLT (link to most of his work under both names: http://www.northernstars.ca/actorsabc/carlson_les.html) Scans: from DVD jacket Better (deeper) blacks and reds closer to cover. Sharper text, especially the title and edition bar. Evaluate this contribution Profile Contribution Approved Jun 13 2008 1:52PM Image Contribution Approved Jun 13 2008 1:52PM |