Plugins |  | | Tool: QuickExport
Thank you, I missed that. | mreeder50 |
Desktop Technical Support |  | | Application start slowly under Windows 11
There were only two plugins activated I don't need anyway. I just deactiveted them and the App starts a little bit faster indeed.
Thanks a lot | tantoniadis |
Desktop Technical Support |  | | How to add a multiple match?
Thanks everyone! Rdodolak, hat did the trick! | RoWi1973 |
Plugins |  | | Tool: Cast/Crew Edit 2 (1 2 3 ...41 )
Quoting Medieval Guy: Quote: The download page is still on But the program is actually DJ just forgot to update the text on the download page. (Been there. Done that. ) | GSyren |
Contribution Discussion |  | | Is 3-D Film Archive a media company?
I used the information printed on the front/back covers to determine the media companies.
There was no reference to Kino Lorber Studio Classics on the front/back covers.
Am I missing something here? | ObiKen |