1. corrected Studios and added MC as credited ("Filmverlag der Autoren" is only "Verleihfirma" and donated some Money), 2. added Bonus Trailers to Features as in "Extras" -> "weitere Highlights", 3. corrected Overview: - Attacke. Als die Bande -> Attacken. Als sie - schwächeren Verhältnissen leben -> schwächeren Familien leben 4. added Disc Info from DVD via Invelos DVD Profiler, 5. corrected/added Crew as credited on Film, 6. in Cast: - sorted Cast as credited on Film, - added correct Cross link to Uwe Bohm matching Credits on Film and by use of CLT, - corrected Play role of Marquard Bohm. Source: there are no Play roles on Film credits, but on DVD-ROM-Contant [Presseheft (pdf-Datei)]. Evaluate this contribution Profile Contribution Approved May 2 2012 5:58PM |