New Blu-ray parent profile for 5 already opened child profiles in database.
German Release.
Title from Front of the Slip Case.
All 5 childprofiles are Region B, tested with AmyDVD HD.
Produced USA an 1921 for the oldes child profiles.
Rating from Frontcover and on discs is FSK-6.
Running time of all 5 child profiles checked with BDInfo:
Film1: 00:52:45 + Film2: 01:26:52 + Film3: 01:27:00 + Film4: 02:05:15 + Film5: 01:11:48 = Total: 07:03:40 or 424 minutes.
Date of release from
Case Type is a Slip Case with 5 very thin HD Slim for the 5 child profiles.
SRP from
Genres Comedy Drama and Cassic from the 5 included films.
No Studios. Media Companies from Backcover and the 5 films.
Video Formats Full Frame 1.33:1 for all 5 included films, 2D and Black and White for all.
No Audio Tracks and Subtitles.
Added the very short 2 lines from Backcover to Overview and for each included film the Overview from there Backcover.
No Disc Infos as it is only a parent Box profile.
No Crew and Cast as it is only a parent Box profile.
Added the 5 already open child profiles to Box Set.
Added Front- and Backcoverscans from my Slip Case.
Thanks to open this Box in your database.
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Profile Contribution Approved Dec 9 2013 3:22PM
Image Contribution Approved Dec 9 2013 3:22PM