New Contribution as a 2-Disc Box Set Main Profile containing 2 Movies:
1. Title, Edition, Media Type: from Cover,
2. Regions: "B, C" as verified with AnyDVD HD (for both Blu-ray Discs within Box Set),
3. Rating: "6" from Cover,
4. Produced: the year of the earliest feature release in the set, Source:
5. DVD Release: Source:
6. Running Time: as verified with BDInfo (1:32:33 + 1:39:33 = 3:12:06 = 192:06 as per rules 192 Min.),
7. SRP: same Source as DVD Release,
8. Case Type: HD Slim,
9. Genres: matching both Child Profiles,
10. Studios: MC from Cover. Studios not applicable for Box Set,
11. Features: not applicable for Box Set,
12. Video Formats: not applicable for Box Set,
13. Subtitles: not applicable for Box Set,
14. Audio Tracks: not applicable for Box Set,
15. Overview: exactly from Cover in connection with current Rules,
16. Box Set: Child profils added,
17. Disc Info: not applicable for Box Set,
18. Crew & Cast: not applicable for Box Set,
19. Cover: own Scan from HD Slim Case.
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Profile Contribution Approved Jul 26 2013 5:57PM
Image Contribution Approved Jul 26 2013 5:57PM