Title: changed "The Ward" to "John Carpenter's The Ward", like on the front cover and the credit block on the back (see mpossessive rule). Original Title: changed "John Carpenter's The Ward" back to "The Ward", like on IMDb.com or the official website theward.theofficialjohncarpenter.com. Check out The Rules: the possessive rule applies for the Title, not the Original Title. Evaluate this contribution *Updated Notes* Title: changed "The Ward" to "John Carpenter's The Ward", like on the front cover and the credit block on the back (see mpossessive rule). Original Title: changed "John Carpenter's The Ward" back to "The Ward", like on IMDb.com or the official website theward.theofficialjohncarpenter.com. Check out The Rules: the possessive rule applies for the Title, not the Original Title. No vote MickySpoon: "every credit block of german DVDs and Blu-rays shows the original title and not the german title" That's not true. For our purposes the "Original Title" is the unique "original release title" according to The Rules. And not any non-German title variant from one german release. Otherwise we would have countless Original Titles. Profile Contribution Declined May 11 2012 7:12PM |