1. added SRP, Source:
2. added Publisher to MCs as credited (Im Vertrieb von Highlight),
3. edited Booklet,
4. corrected Subtitle as selectable,
5. formatted and corrected Overview matching cover:
- changed quotation marks („“ -> „”),
- comma at: Killerpilze“). Leonie -> Killerpilze”), Leonie
6. in Crew:
- added divider matching end credits,
- added x-link to "Eva Maria Stiebler [Eva Stiebler]" with CLT:
"Eva Maria Stiebler" is credited in 10 titles (22 profiles),
"Eva Stiebler" is credited in 6 titles (9 profiles),
- added some in Art as credited,
7. in Cast: added a divider matching end credits,
8. scanned cover in higher quality and better sharpness.
I hope you like it
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Profile Contribution Approved Dec 16 2015 9:16PM
Image Contribution Approved Dec 16 2015 9:16PM