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Contribution comments for [4020974166775.5] (Locked)
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorLord Anubis
The future has begun!
Registered: December 1, 2007
Germany Posts: 1
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new constribution:
-release date 07.08.2008,
-all infos taken from different shop-sites like, etc.
-cast & crew taken from existing uk blu-ray profile from the invelos database,

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Profile Contribution Approved Jul  1 2008  3:34PM

Image Contribution Approved Jul  1 2008  3:34PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantSteffenHD
Registered: December 25, 2007
Germany Posts: 1
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Updated the Profile:
- Updated Title
- updated Release
- updates Studios
- added Trailer to the Features
- changed Overview
- added Coverscans.

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Profile Contribution Approved Sep  2 2008  1:42PM

Image Contribution Approved Sep  2 2008  1:42PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorbmw-850-csi
Registered: November 9, 2007
Germany Posts: 3
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Source: My BD & Receiver. New Coverscans by me.

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Profile Contribution Approved Apr  5 2010  5:38PM

Image Contribution Approved Apr  5 2010  5:38PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorhuskersports
Registered: September 29, 2008
Reputation: Highest Rating
United States Posts: 2,550
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Cast and crew corrections/additions from the disc credits. Curtis Jackson BY from the accepted BY thread. No BY needed for Samuel L. Jackson. Correct James MacDonald credited here. The 1906 James MacDonald died before this movie even started filming!

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Profile Contribution Approved Jan 19 2011  5:44PM

My one wish for the DVD Profiler online database: Ban or remove the disc-level profiles of TV season sets. It completely screws up/inflates the CLT.
FACT: Imdb is WRONG 70% of the time! Misspelled cast, incomplete cast, wrong cast/crew roles. So for those who want DVD Profiler to be "as perfect as Imdb", good luck with that.
Stop adding UNIT crew! They're invalid credits. Stop it!
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorbmw-850-csi
Registered: November 9, 2007
Germany Posts: 3
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corrected MC
add Disc ID

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Profile Contribution Approved Mar 10 2011  5:43PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSwissFilm
Registered: May 16, 2010
Reputation: Superior Rating
Switzerland Posts: 516
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added cross link to "Allan Apone: Make-up Artist" according common name thread:

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Profile Contribution Approved Jun  8 2013  5:23PM

3D TV Panasonic TX-P65VT30J + Blu-ray Player Panasonic DMP-BDT500
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSwissFilm
Registered: May 16, 2010
Reputation: Superior Rating
Switzerland Posts: 516
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Added crosslink to Michael Flannigan [Michael P. Flannigan] from common name thread:

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Profile Contribution Approved Aug 23 2014 11:52AM

3D TV Panasonic TX-P65VT30J + Blu-ray Player Panasonic DMP-BDT500
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsamuelrichardscott
Registered: September 18, 2008
Reputation: High Rating
United Kingdom Posts: 2,650
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Colour added.

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Profile Contribution Approved 2016-04-20 12:55:11

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