Changed the titles again to "Das Leben des Brian" and "Life of Brian". Please stick to the rules! For the German title this paragraph is the most important: "In the absence of quotes to verify, check the font size used for the title on the front cover. Generally, possessives which use a significantly smaller font are not part of the title." This is the case here, "Das Leben des Brian" is much larger than the possessive. For the original title see this rule: "If quotes surround the title in the credit block (generally on the back cover), check whether the possessive is within the quotes." In the credit block only "Life of Brian" is within the quotation marks. Additionally it is advised to check the opening credits for the original title. I did and "Monty Pyton's" and "Life of Brian" are shown separately, indicating that only the latter is the title of the film (see this screenshot). Evaluate this contribution Profile Contribution Approved Mar 19 2015 10:12AM |