Corrected Title. We do not write all in capital letters in Title, also when so on Frontcover.
Added Original Title from film start credits.
The disc is regioncodefree 0 on Backcover like all Pro-Fun Media releases.
Added USA to Produced. This film was made in USA.
Corrected Running Time. PowerDVD: 01:28:44 or 89 minutes.
Corrected Genres. It is a Drama with Romances and Special Interest for Gay.
Corrected Studio from film start credits.
Added Wendecover to Other Features.
Added Anamorphic to Video Formats from Backcover.
Added Commentary to Subtitles from filmmenu Settings.
Added Commentary Audio Track to Audio Tracks from filmmenu Settings and on Backcover.
Corrected Overview to match the Text on my Backcover.
Added Disc Info from my disc.
Completed Crew from film start and end credits.
Added Cast from film end credits. Unfortunatelly a lot of Cast is only the name, but not there role, therefor some are blank as it is just not here. Some are there, some I did find out by looking the film.
Replaced too small default Frontcover with my real Frontcoverscan without FSK-Logo due to Wendecover.
Replaced default image with my real Backcoverscan of my Cover.
Hope you like it :-)
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Profile Contribution Approved Dec 29 2012 2:07PM
Image Contribution Approved Dec 29 2012 2:07PM