Corrected Title Léo with é as written in film start credits, also for the German and not only French title. Added France and Germany from Studios to Produced. Added DVD Release from Added Case Type from my Case. Added Special Interest to Genres. Added Studios from film start and end credits. Added Media Companies from film start credits and Backcover. Completed Features from filmmenu Extras. Added 1.65:1 to Video Formats, I measured it (665 x 403 Pixel = 1.65). Re-Formatted Overview in the 4 chapters like on Backcover. Added Disc Info from my disc. They do not have the films name in it, just the default DVDVolume. Added Crew from film start and end credits. Just re-ordered Cast from film end credits. Evaluate this contribution Profile Contribution Approved May 2 2013 7:25PM |