Title: added the Original Title. Genres: added Televison. Disc Info: added (Disc IDs Profiler read-out). (this is a "TV Series", not a "Box Set") Evaluate this contribution *Updated Notes* Title: added the Original Title. Genres: added Televison. Disc Info: added (Disc IDs Profiler read-out). (this is a "TV Series", not a "Box Set") No vote SwissFilm: "You should put the Disc Info for each into the 2 child profiles. This is the Box, including 2 childs with EAN 4-260090-980989 and 4-260090-980996" No vote PowerFilm: "see Swissfilm, main profile has no Disc Info, put them into the child profiles" Like already pointed out this is a "TV Series", Disc IDs in the parent profile are correct as per The Rules. Check out "TV Series on DVD". Profile Contribution Approved Mar 16 2012 4:42PM |