Moved Vol. 3 to Edition like the new 1 and 2 also have.
Corrected Media Types. It is just a Blu-ray and not a Combo.
Added Original Title.
The disc is regioncodefree, checked with AnyDVD HD.
Added Rating from Frontcover.
Added Japan to Produced like volume 1 and 2.
Added DVD Release from
Corrected Running Time checked with BDInfo:
00:26:49 + 00:23:10 + 00:23:09 + 00:23:09 = 01:36:17 or 96 minutes.
Corrected SRP to EUR as it is a German Release with Locality Germany.
Added Case Type from my Case. A HD Slip with a Slip Cover.
Added Genres.
Added Studios from film end credits.
Added Media Company from film start credits and Backcover.
Added Features from filmmenu Extras and Backcover.
As it is not a Combo but just a Blu-ray removed NTSC from Video Formats.
Added Color to Color.
Added German to Subtitles from filmmenu Settings and checked with BDInfo.
Added Audio Tracks from filmmenu Settings and checked with BDInfo.
Added Overview from Backcover.
Added Disc Info from my disc.
Added Crew and Cast from film end credits.
Replaced Front- and Backcoverscans with my Scans from my Slip Cover. Better colors, compare the Blue in the top Blu-ray bar. Frontcover with removed FSK-Logo (it's removable).
Hope you like it :-)
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Profile Contribution Approved Feb 9 2013 2:52PM
Image Contribution Approved Feb 9 2013 2:52PM