Title - corrected ("Compete" -> "Complete") Genres - added "Musical" and "Comedy" Studios - corrected/added "Twentieth Century Fox Television" and "Ryan Murphy Productions" Overview - added episode list as allowed by rules Crew - added complete crew as credited (verified with TotalMedia Theatre) - common name for Makeup-Artist as per credit lookup tool (Eryn Krueger over Eryn Krueger Mekash 48 to 1) Cast - added complete cast as credited (verified with TotalMedia Theatre) - uncredited role names (main cast and guest cast in opening credits) as per Internet research (tv.com, glee.wikia.com and IMDb) - in compliance with rules - common name as per Invelos filter: Harry Shum, Jr. - common names as per CLT: - Kenneth Choi over Ken Choi: 103 to 3 - James Earl over James Earl, III: 36 to 0 - Olivia Newton-John over Olivia Newton John: 46 to 2 Evaluate this contribution Profile Contribution Approved Nov 11 2010 7:00PM |