New DVD in Database with 3 Short-Films. Great Britain Release with Locality Great Britain. All informations from Backcover and the 3 films start and end credits.
The 3 Titles from Frontcover.
Edition from Frontcover.
Regioncodefree from Backcover.
First of the 3 Shortfilms produced 1976 Great Britain.
Checked all Running Times with PowerDVD:
Film 1: 00:38:06 + Film 2: 00:33:09 + Film 3: 00:27:08 = Total: 01:38:23 or 98 minutes.
Date of Release from
Case Type Keep Case.
SRP £ 7.99.
Rating 12 from Front- and Backcover.
Genres from films, all are Drama and one Drama/Comedy.
Studios from film end credits.
Media Companies from Backcover.
All 3 films are 1.33:1 Full Frame in Color 2D.
No Features, just the Menu to choose which of the 3 films to play.
Audio Tracks only English DD 2.0 Mono. Checked with PowerDVD.
No Subtitles.
Overview from Backcover.
Disc Info from my Disc.
Crew and Cast from each of the 3 Shortfilms end credits in exact order with there roles and given groups.
Front- and Backcoverscans from my Cover.
Thanks to open this last September released DVD in your database.
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Profile Contribution Approved Jan 10 2014 12:00PM
Image Contribution Approved Jan 10 2014 12:00PM