Amended title: Removed 'Surveillance' from title. Surveillance is the original title of this film, alright, and correctly indicated in the original title field. It is not, however, a part of the title of this German blu-ray release (see front cover; it is also not be found on the spine). Corrected case type: It is an HD Slim case. Removed genre Science Fiction: Gneres are always subjective but this film here doesn't have any elements of science fiction whatsoever. Evaluate this contribution *Updated Notes* Amended title: Removed 'Surveillance' from title. Surveillance is the original title of this film, alright, and correctly indicated in the original title field. It is not, however, a part of the title of this German blu-ray release (see front cover; it is also not be found on the spine). Corrected case type: It is an HD Slim case. Removed genre Science Fiction: Genres are always subjective but this film here doesn't have any elements of science fiction at all. Profile Contribution Approved Jan 12 2009 11:51AM |