Hello. I've some changes to suggest. Running Time: Corrected. Verified using PowerDVD by adding up the times for all 22 episodes played individually. Studios: Added to. Taken from the end credits logo and sleeve. Features: Added to. Taken from the on-screen menus. Video Formats: Corrected. Season 2 (1.78:1) is an anamorphic presentation. Verified by watching the DVD on my TV and computer. Audio Tracked: Added to. Verified using PowerDVD and my AV amp. Crew: Added. Cast: Added to. Credit Lookup Tool used for: Delaney Spillane vs Delainey Spillaine: 0 vs 1, but as the one is for this profile and here it scores 3 vs 2, I've reversed the Common Name. Cover Scans: Made by me. Full-sized and a bit clearer. Cast/Crew from: From the end credits; there aren't any opening ones. Evaluate this contribution Profile Contribution Approved 2024-12-04 20:29:43 Image Contribution Approved 2024-12-04 20:29:43 |