Contribution by disk-id because it has the same EAN as "The Burning Moon". Cover was scanned by my own. All detailed informations of my contribution are from the disk and the cover. At cover you can see that this ist the limited edition and the correct EAN. For more details about this movie check f.e. Evaluate this contribution *Updated Notes* Contribution by disk-id because it has the same EAN as "The Burning Moon". Cover was scanned by my own. All detailed informations of my contribution are from the disk and the cover. At cover you can see that this ist the limited edition and the correct EAN. For more details about this movie check f.e. @ "no voter" Killertamagotchi: i used the disk-id and found at database the description "limited to 1000 disks" but thats not right. My cover scans and my contribution is the limited version. So i think the old contribution is not correct. Profile Contribution Declined Sep 13 2013 5:42PM Image Contribution Declined Sep 13 2013 5:42PM |