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Registered: May 29, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 1,212 |
| Posted: | | | | La ciociara / Two Women: Luciano Pigozzi
Visual check internet openingcredits.
Mussolini ultimo atto / The Last Four Days: Luciano Pigozzi
Visual check internet endcredits. | | | Last edited: by JOHNNYV |
Registered: May 29, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 1,212 |
| Posted: | | | | La jena di Londra / Hyena of London: Alan Collins
Visual checked openingsscene internets YouTube. |
Registered: May 29, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 1,212 |
| Posted: | | | | Robowar - Robot da guerre; Alan Collins
visual checked internets YouTube. |
Registered: December 27, 2009 | Posts: 5,131 |
| Posted: | | | | Il diavolo a sette facce / The Devil with Seven Faces - Luciano Pigozzi visual check. |
Registered: January 16, 2010 | Reputation:  | Posts: 1,617 |
| Posted: | | | | This is the common name thread for actor Alan Collin / Alan Collins / Allan Collins / Luciano Pigozzi / Luciano PicozziCLT:"Alan Collin" is credited in the following 3 titles (8 profiles) "Alan Collins" is credited in the following 111 titles (244 profiles) "Allan Collins" is credited in the following 18 titles (23 profiles) "Luciano Pigozzi" is credited in the following 93 titles (159 profiles) "Luciano Picozzi" is credited in the following 1 titles (5 profiles) "Luke Pigozzi" is credited in the following 1 titles (1 profiles) Alan Collin (1 confirmed):Hatchet for the Honeymoon (confirmed by ninso4)Alan Collins (32 confirmed, 1 unconfirmed, 2 invalid):Il venditore di morte / Last Gunfight / Price of Death (confirmed by ninso4)5 tombe per un medium / Terror-Creatures from the Grave (confirmed by ninso4)Alien degli abissi / Alien from the Deep (confirmed by ninso4)Tutti i colori del buio (confirmed by ninso4)E Dio disse a Caino / And God Said to Cain (confirmed by ninso4)I sopravvissuti della città morta / The Ark of the Sun God (confirmed by ninso4)Joko invoca Dio… e muori / Vengeance / Roko’s Revenge (confirmed by ninso4)I Cacciatori del cobra d’oro / The Hunters of the Golden Cobra (confirmed by ninso4)Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga / Baron Blood (confirmed by ninso4)Malocchio / Evil Eye (confirmed by ninso4)Il corsaro Nero / Blackie the Pirate (confirmed by ninso4)Terror! Il castello delle donne maledette / Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of Freaks (confirmed by ninso4)Cobra Mission / Operation Nam (confirmed by ninso4)La frusta e il corpo (confirmed by ninso4)Nude… si muore / Naked You Die (confirmed by ninso4)I vigliacchi non pregano / Cowards Don’t Pray / Taste of Vengeance (confirmed by ninso4)L’ultimo cacciatore / The Last Hunter (confirmed by ninso4)Il giustiziere della strada / The Exterminators of the Year 3000 (confirmed by ninso4)La jena di Londra / Hyena of London (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Tornado / The Last Blood (confirmed by ninso4)Si può fare… amigo / It Can Be Done AmigoLa leggenda del rubino malese / Jungle RaidersKill! / Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! (confirmed by AiAustria)Colpo maestro al servizio di Sua Maestà britannica / Master Stroke (confirmed by ninso4)Santana nella valle degli avvoltoi / Ballad of the Death Valley / Sartana in the Valley of Death (confirmed by ninso4)Ehi amico… c’è Sabata. Hai chiuso! / Sabata (confirmed by ninso4)Schreie in der Nacht / Screams in the Night / The Unnaturals (confirmed by ninso4)Strike Commando (confirmed by ninso4)La morte non conta i dollari / Death at Owell Rock / No Killing Without Dollars (confirmed by ninso4)Fuga dall’arcipelago maledetto / Tiger Joe (confirmed by ninso4)Bianco Apache / White Apache (confirmed by ninso4)Lycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory Il mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the Future (confirmed by ninso4)Zombie 3 (confirmed by ninso4)Le Spie uccidono a Beirut / Secret Agent Fireball (confirmed by ninso4)Robowar - Robot da guerra (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Allan Collins (1 confirmed, 3 invalid):Il mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the FutureCasa Privata per le SS / Private House of the SS (confirmed by ninso4)Malocchio / Evil EyeZombie 3Luciano Pigozzi (14 confirmed, 12 unconfirmed, 30 invalid):Il venditore di morte / Last Gunfight / Price of Death2019: Dopo la caduta di New York / 2019: After the Fall of New YorkBerlino - Appuntamento per le spie / Spy in Your Eye Hatchet for the HoneymoonAnda muchacho, spara! / Dead Men Ride (confirmed by ninso4)6 donne per l’assassino / Blood and Black LaceLa sanguisuga conduce la danza / The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (confirmed by ninso4)Le Spie uccidono a Beirut / Secret Agent FireballRoma a mano armata / The Tough Ones / Assault with a Deadly Weapon (confirmed by ninso4)Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sui corpo di Jennifer? / The Case of the Bloody Iris Il castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living DeadKommando Leopard / Commando LeopardSchreie in der Nacht / Screams in the Night / The UnnaturalsLe voyou / The Crook (confirmed by ninso4)Il generale della Rovere / General Della RovereLa ciociara / Two Women (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Il lupo dei mari / Larsen, the Wolf of the Seven Seas / Legend of the Sea Wolf (confirmed by Rutan)Il Conquistatore di Corinto / Conqueror of Corinth / The Centurion Femmine infernali / Escape from Hell Agente 077 dall’oriente con furore / From the Orient with Fury Geheimcode: Wildgänse / Code Name: Wild GeeseLo chiamavano King / Bullet King L’uomo più velenoso del cobra / Human Cobras (confirmed by ninso4)Il Bacio di una morta / Kiss of a Dead Woman Il diavolo a sette facce / The Devil with Seven Faces (confirmed by ateo357)Il giustiziere sfida la città / Final Payment / Rambo’s Revenge (confirmed by ninso4)Il tetto / The Roof Libido La morte negli occhi del Gatto / Seven Deaths in the Cat’s Eye Mussolini ultimo atto / The Last Four Days (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Savage Island (confirmed by AiAustria)La moglie giovane / Death Will Have Your Eyes Pulp (confirmed by AiAustria)Return of the Saint: Complete Series (confirmed by T!M)Robowar - Robot da guerra5 tombe per un medium / Terror-Creatures from the GraveTutti i colori del buioE Dio disse a Caino / And God Said to CainTrastevere (confirmed by ninso4)I sopravvissuti della città morta / The Ark of the Sun GodJoko invoca Dio… e muori / Vengeance / Roko’s RevengeI Cacciatori del cobra d’oro / The Hunters of the Golden CobraGli orrori del castello di Norimberga / Baron BloodIl corsaro Nero / Blackie the PirateTerror! Il castello delle donne maledette / Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of FreaksNude… si muore / Naked You DieL’ultimo cacciatore / The Last HunterIl giustiziere della strada / The Exterminators of the Year 3000Si può fare… amigo / It Can Be Done AmigoLa leggenda del rubino malese / Jungle RaidersSartana nella valle degli avvoltoi / Ballad of the Death Valley / Sartana in the Valley of DeathEhi amico… c’è Sabata. Hai chiuso! / SabataBianco Apache / White ApacheLycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory Il mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the FutureZombie 3Luciano Picozzi (1 confirmed):Il generale della Rovere / General Della Rovere (confirmed by ninso4)Luke Pigozzi (1 confirmed):Il castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living Dead (confirmed by Rutan) | | | Think different
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | Il Conquistatore di Corinto / Conqueror of Corinth / The Centurion: Not credited. |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | Lycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory: Not credited. |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | Femmine infernali / Escape from Hell: Luciano Pigozzi |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | La moglie giovane / Death Will Have Your Eyes: Alan Collins |
Registered: January 16, 2010 | Reputation:  | Posts: 1,617 |
| Posted: | | | | This is the common name thread for actor Alan Collin / Alan Collins / Allan Collins / Luciano Pigozzi / Luciano PicozziCLT:"Alan Collin" is credited in the following 3 titles (8 profiles) "Alan Collins" is credited in the following 111 titles (244 profiles) "Allan Collins" is credited in the following 18 titles (23 profiles) "Luciano Pigozzi" is credited in the following 93 titles (159 profiles) "Luciano Picozzi" is credited in the following 1 titles (5 profiles) "Luke Pigozzi" is credited in the following 1 titles (1 profiles) Alan Collin (1 confirmed):Hatchet for the Honeymoon (confirmed by ninso4)Alan Collins (33 confirmed, 3 invalid):Il venditore di morte / Last Gunfight / Price of Death (confirmed by ninso4)5 tombe per un medium / Terror-Creatures from the Grave (confirmed by ninso4)Alien degli abissi / Alien from the Deep (confirmed by ninso4)Tutti i colori del buio (confirmed by ninso4)E Dio disse a Caino / And God Said to Cain (confirmed by ninso4)I sopravvissuti della città morta / The Ark of the Sun God (confirmed by ninso4)Joko invoca Dio… e muori / Vengeance / Roko’s Revenge (confirmed by ninso4)I Cacciatori del cobra d’oro / The Hunters of the Golden Cobra (confirmed by ninso4)Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga / Baron Blood (confirmed by ninso4)Malocchio / Evil Eye (confirmed by ninso4)Il corsaro Nero / Blackie the Pirate (confirmed by ninso4)Terror! Il castello delle donne maledette / Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of Freaks (confirmed by ninso4)Cobra Mission / Operation Nam (confirmed by ninso4)La frusta e il corpo (confirmed by ninso4)Nude… si muore / Naked You Die (confirmed by ninso4)I vigliacchi non pregano / Cowards Don’t Pray / Taste of Vengeance (confirmed by ninso4)L’ultimo cacciatore / The Last Hunter (confirmed by ninso4)Il giustiziere della strada / The Exterminators of the Year 3000 (confirmed by ninso4)La jena di Londra / Hyena of London (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Tornado / The Last Blood (confirmed by ninso4)Si può fare… amigo / It Can Be Done AmigoLa leggenda del rubino malese / Jungle RaidersKill! / Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! (confirmed by AiAustria)Colpo maestro al servizio di Sua Maestà britannica / Master Stroke (confirmed by ninso4)Santana nella valle degli avvoltoi / Ballad of the Death Valley / Sartana in the Valley of Death (confirmed by ninso4)Ehi amico… c’è Sabata. Hai chiuso! / Sabata (confirmed by ninso4)Schreie in der Nacht / Screams in the Night / The Unnaturals (confirmed by ninso4)Strike Commando (confirmed by ninso4)La morte non conta i dollari / Death at Owell Rock / No Killing Without Dollars (confirmed by ninso4)Fuga dall’arcipelago maledetto / Tiger Joe (confirmed by ninso4)Bianco Apache / White Apache (confirmed by ninso4)Lycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ DormitoryIl mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the Future (confirmed by ninso4)Zombie 3 (confirmed by ninso4)Le Spie uccidono a Beirut / Secret Agent Fireball (confirmed by ninso4)Robowar - Robot da guerra (confirmed by JOHNNYV)La moglie giovane / Death Will Have Your Eyes (confirmed by Rutan)Allan Collins (1 confirmed, 3 invalid):Il mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the FutureCasa Privata per le SS / Private House of the SS (confirmed by ninso4)Malocchio / Evil EyeZombie 3Luciano Pigozzi (15 confirmed, 7 unconfirmed, 34 invalid):Il venditore di morte / Last Gunfight / Price of Death2019: Dopo la caduta di New York / 2019: After the Fall of New YorkBerlino - Appuntamento per le spie / Spy in Your Eye Hatchet for the HoneymoonAnda muchacho, spara! / Dead Men Ride (confirmed by ninso4)6 donne per l’assassino / Blood and Black LaceLa sanguisuga conduce la danza / The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (confirmed by ninso4)Le Spie uccidono a Beirut / Secret Agent FireballRoma a mano armata / The Tough Ones / Assault with a Deadly Weapon (confirmed by ninso4)Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sui corpo di Jennifer? / The Case of the Bloody Iris Il castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living DeadKommando Leopard / Commando LeopardSchreie in der Nacht / Screams in the Night / The UnnaturalsLe voyou / The Crook (confirmed by ninso4)Il generale della Rovere / General Della RovereLa ciociara / Two Women (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Il lupo dei mari / Larsen, the Wolf of the Seven Seas / Legend of the Sea Wolf (confirmed by Rutan)Il Conquistatore di Corinto / Conqueror of Corinth / The CenturionFemmine infernali / Escape from Hell (confirmed by Rutan)Agente 077 dall’oriente con furore / From the Orient with Fury Geheimcode: Wildgänse / Code Name: Wild GeeseLo chiamavano King / Bullet King L’uomo più velenoso del cobra / Human Cobras (confirmed by ninso4)Il Bacio di una morta / Kiss of a Dead Woman Il diavolo a sette facce / The Devil with Seven Faces (confirmed by ateo357)Il giustiziere sfida la città / Final Payment / Rambo’s Revenge (confirmed by ninso4)Il tetto / The Roof Libido La morte negli occhi del Gatto / Seven Deaths in the Cat’s EyeMussolini ultimo atto / The Last Four Days (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Savage Island (confirmed by AiAustria)La moglie giovane / Death Will Have Your EyesPulp (confirmed by AiAustria)Return of the Saint: Complete Series (confirmed by T!M)Robowar - Robot da guerra5 tombe per un medium / Terror-Creatures from the GraveTutti i colori del buioE Dio disse a Caino / And God Said to CainTrastevere (confirmed by ninso4)I sopravvissuti della città morta / The Ark of the Sun GodJoko invoca Dio… e muori / Vengeance / Roko’s RevengeI Cacciatori del cobra d’oro / The Hunters of the Golden CobraGli orrori del castello di Norimberga / Baron BloodIl corsaro Nero / Blackie the PirateTerror! Il castello delle donne maledette / Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of FreaksNude… si muore / Naked You DieL’ultimo cacciatore / The Last HunterIl giustiziere della strada / The Exterminators of the Year 3000Si può fare… amigo / It Can Be Done AmigoLa leggenda del rubino malese / Jungle RaidersSartana nella valle degli avvoltoi / Ballad of the Death Valley / Sartana in the Valley of DeathEhi amico… c’è Sabata. Hai chiuso! / SabataBianco Apache / White ApacheLycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ DormitoryIl mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the FutureZombie 3Luciano Picozzi (1 confirmed):Il generale della Rovere / General Della Rovere (confirmed by ninso4)Luke Pigozzi (1 confirmed):Il castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living Dead (confirmed by Rutan) | | | Think different
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. | | | Last edited: by ninso4 |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | La morte negli occhi del Gatto / Seven Deaths in the Cat’s Eye: Not credited. |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting AiAustria: Quote: There are two versions of: Il castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living Dead
Both are included in our data base. Therefore we have to count this feature two times:
European version: Luciano Pigozzi

English speaking version: Luke Pigozzi
 So it seems we need to include the 2nd as well. | | | Last edited: by Rutan |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,412 |
| Posted: | | | | Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sui corpo di Jennifer? / The Case of the Bloody Iris: Not credited. |
Registered: January 16, 2010 | Reputation:  | Posts: 1,617 |
| Posted: | | | | This is the common name thread for actor Alan Collin / Alan Collins / Allan Collins / Luciano Pigozzi / Luciano PicozziCLT:"Alan Collin" is credited in the following 3 titles (8 profiles) "Alan Collins" is credited in the following 111 titles (244 profiles) "Allan Collins" is credited in the following 18 titles (23 profiles) "Luciano Pigozzi" is credited in the following 93 titles (159 profiles) "Luciano Picozzi" is credited in the following 1 titles (5 profiles) "Luke Pigozzi" is credited in the following 1 titles (1 profiles) Alan Collin (1 confirmed):Hatchet for the Honeymoon (confirmed by ninso4)Alan Collins (33 confirmed, 3 invalid):Il venditore di morte / Last Gunfight / Price of Death (confirmed by ninso4)5 tombe per un medium / Terror-Creatures from the Grave (confirmed by ninso4)Alien degli abissi / Alien from the Deep (confirmed by ninso4)Tutti i colori del buio (confirmed by ninso4)E Dio disse a Caino / And God Said to Cain (confirmed by ninso4)I sopravvissuti della città morta / The Ark of the Sun God (confirmed by ninso4)Joko invoca Dio… e muori / Vengeance / Roko’s Revenge (confirmed by ninso4)I Cacciatori del cobra d’oro / The Hunters of the Golden Cobra (confirmed by ninso4)Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga / Baron Blood (confirmed by ninso4)Malocchio / Evil Eye (confirmed by ninso4)Il corsaro Nero / Blackie the Pirate (confirmed by ninso4)Terror! Il castello delle donne maledette / Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of Freaks (confirmed by ninso4)Cobra Mission / Operation Nam (confirmed by ninso4)La frusta e il corpo (confirmed by ninso4)Nude… si muore / Naked You Die (confirmed by ninso4)I vigliacchi non pregano / Cowards Don’t Pray / Taste of Vengeance (confirmed by ninso4)L’ultimo cacciatore / The Last Hunter (confirmed by ninso4)Il giustiziere della strada / The Exterminators of the Year 3000 (confirmed by ninso4)La jena di Londra / Hyena of London (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Tornado / The Last Blood (confirmed by ninso4)Si può fare… amigo / It Can Be Done AmigoLa leggenda del rubino malese / Jungle RaidersKill! / Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! (confirmed by AiAustria)Colpo maestro al servizio di Sua Maestà britannica / Master Stroke (confirmed by ninso4)Santana nella valle degli avvoltoi / Ballad of the Death Valley / Sartana in the Valley of Death (confirmed by ninso4)Ehi amico… c’è Sabata. Hai chiuso! / Sabata (confirmed by ninso4)Schreie in der Nacht / Screams in the Night / The Unnaturals (confirmed by ninso4)Strike Commando (confirmed by ninso4)La morte non conta i dollari / Death at Owell Rock / No Killing Without Dollars (confirmed by ninso4)Fuga dall’arcipelago maledetto / Tiger Joe (confirmed by ninso4)Bianco Apache / White Apache (confirmed by ninso4)Lycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ DormitoryIl mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the Future (confirmed by ninso4)Zombie 3 (confirmed by ninso4)Le Spie uccidono a Beirut / Secret Agent Fireball (confirmed by ninso4)Robowar - Robot da guerra (confirmed by JOHNNYV)La moglie giovane / Death Will Have Your Eyes (confirmed by Rutan)Allan Collins (1 confirmed, 3 invalid):Il mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the FutureCasa Privata per le SS / Private House of the SS (confirmed by ninso4)Malocchio / Evil EyeZombie 3Luciano Pigozzi (16 confirmed, 6 unconfirmed, 34 invalid):Il venditore di morte / Last Gunfight / Price of Death2019: Dopo la caduta di New York / 2019: After the Fall of New YorkBerlino - Appuntamento per le spie / Spy in Your Eye Hatchet for the HoneymoonAnda muchacho, spara! / Dead Men Ride (confirmed by ninso4)6 donne per l’assassino / Blood and Black LaceLa sanguisuga conduce la danza / The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (confirmed by ninso4)Le Spie uccidono a Beirut / Secret Agent FireballRoma a mano armata / The Tough Ones / Assault with a Deadly Weapon (confirmed by ninso4)Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sui corpo di Jennifer? / The Case of the Bloody IrisIl castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living Dead (confirmed by AiAustria, Rutan)Kommando Leopard / Commando LeopardSchreie in der Nacht / Screams in the Night / The UnnaturalsLe voyou / The Crook (confirmed by ninso4)Il generale della Rovere / General Della RovereLa ciociara / Two Women (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Il lupo dei mari / Larsen, the Wolf of the Seven Seas / Legend of the Sea Wolf (confirmed by Rutan)Il Conquistatore di Corinto / Conqueror of Corinth / The CenturionFemmine infernali / Escape from Hell (confirmed by Rutan)Agente 077 dall’oriente con furore / From the Orient with Fury Geheimcode: Wildgänse / Code Name: Wild GeeseLo chiamavano King / Bullet King L’uomo più velenoso del cobra / Human Cobras (confirmed by ninso4)Il Bacio di una morta / Kiss of a Dead Woman Il diavolo a sette facce / The Devil with Seven Faces (confirmed by ateo357)Il giustiziere sfida la città / Final Payment / Rambo’s Revenge (confirmed by ninso4)Il tetto / The Roof Libido La morte negli occhi del Gatto / Seven Deaths in the Cat’s EyeMussolini ultimo atto / The Last Four Days (confirmed by JOHNNYV)Savage Island (confirmed by AiAustria)La moglie giovane / Death Will Have Your EyesPulp (confirmed by AiAustria)Return of the Saint: Complete Series (confirmed by T!M)Robowar - Robot da guerra5 tombe per un medium / Terror-Creatures from the GraveTutti i colori del buioE Dio disse a Caino / And God Said to CainTrastevere (confirmed by ninso4)I sopravvissuti della città morta / The Ark of the Sun GodJoko invoca Dio… e muori / Vengeance / Roko’s RevengeI Cacciatori del cobra d’oro / The Hunters of the Golden CobraGli orrori del castello di Norimberga / Baron BloodIl corsaro Nero / Blackie the PirateTerror! Il castello delle donne maledette / Dr. Frankenstein’s Castle of FreaksNude… si muore / Naked You DieL’ultimo cacciatore / The Last HunterIl giustiziere della strada / The Exterminators of the Year 3000Si può fare… amigo / It Can Be Done AmigoLa leggenda del rubino malese / Jungle RaidersSartana nella valle degli avvoltoi / Ballad of the Death Valley / Sartana in the Valley of DeathEhi amico… c’è Sabata. Hai chiuso! / SabataBianco Apache / White ApacheLycanthropus / Werewolf in a Girls’ DormitoryIl mondo di Yor / Yor, the Hunter from the FutureZombie 3Luciano Picozzi (1 confirmed):Il generale della Rovere / General Della Rovere (confirmed by ninso4)Luke Pigozzi (1 confirmed):Il castello dei morti vivi / Castle of the Living Dead (confirmed by Rutan) | | | Think different
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. | | | Last edited: by ninso4 |