Production Year corrected to 2007, as that is when the first episode of the season aired.
Runtime added from back cover.
RRP added from Sendit and Amazon.
Case Type set to Slip Case (it's multiple THINpaks in a slipcase).
Genres added, in line with previous season releases.
Studios corrected, and Media Publisher added, all taken from credits and back cover.
Features added, from DVD menus.
Confirmed as Anamorphic in PowerDVD.
Overview taken from back cover.
Disc Info updated as each disc is Dual Layer (from DVD Profiler and AnyDVDHD).
Cast and Crew copied from USA release.
Crew verfied against credits, and new credits added where applicable.
New, improved coverscans from my copy. Better cropping, colours and clarity, imho.
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Profile Contribution Approved Dec 8 2008 9:15AM
Image Contribution Approved Dec 8 2008 9:15AM