Sharper Coverscans
Cast and Crew from Movie Credits
Running Time 97min (97:28 with WinDVD BD)
Genre: Children replaced by Fantasy. Children and Family is superfluous
Features: Feature Trailer removed - not on disc
added deleted scenes, bd-live, PIP, Gallery, Interactive Games from disc
added commentary subtitles from disc
Overview as on backcover
Disc Info added:
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*Updated Notes*
Sharper Coverscans
Cast and Crew from Movie Credits
Running Time 97min (97:28 with WinDVD BD)
Rules: "When contributing an accurate, DVD-based, time from the DVD, round down from 29 seconds and up from 30 seconds in the nearest minute" <-everything under 97:30 has to be entered as 97 mins
Genre: Children replaced by Fantasy. Children and Family is superfluous
Features: Feature Trailer removed - not on disc
added deleted scenes, bd-live, PIP, Gallery, Interactive Games from disc
added commentary subtitles from disc
Overview as on backcover
Disc Info added:
Profile Contribution Approved Apr 23 2010 7:28PM
Image Contribution Approved Apr 23 2010 7:28PM